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Here are some of the ways I segment email lists for better targeting









发表于 2023-8-2 18:13:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Demographics: This includes factors such as age, gender, location, and income.
Interests: This includes factors such as the products or services they've purchased, the content they've read, and the websites they've visited.
Behavior: This includes factors such as how often they open your emails, how often they click on your links, and whether they've made a purchase from you.
Lifecycle stage: This includes factors such as whether they're new customers, existing customers, or lapsed customers.

By segmenting  E-Commerce Photo Editing  your email lists, you can send more relevant emails to your subscribers and improve your open rates and click-through rates. This will help you to build relationships with your subscribers and ultimately achieve your email marketing goals.

Here are some additional tips for segmenting email lists:

Use a good email marketing platform. A good email marketing platform will allow you to segment your email lists easily.
Start with a few key segments. Don't try to segment your email list too much at first. Start with a few key segments and then add more segments as you need them.
Use a variety of criteria. Don't just segment your email list by demographics. Use a variety of criteria, such as interests, behavior, and lifecycle stage.
Test your segments. Once you've created your segments, test them to see how they perform. Send different emails to different segments and see which segment performs the best.
Update your segments regularly. Your subscribers' interests and behavior will change over time, so make sure to update your segments regularly.
By following these tips, you can segment your email lists effectively and improve your email marketing results.

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